Center stand

Long time since, life has kept me away from the garage and the renovation has come to a stall. I’ve been mostly sourcing parts, web shops and great deals for all the parts I need to order.
I have used the excel list extensively. Great idea to keep track of things.

But I’ve been looking into the issue of centre stand for my other bike. It hasn’t been easy at all. I eventually bought the a expensive out of scooter-center. I thought that something expensive must fit. Wrong, the J shaped brackets are way too short and the stand is off the ground by 1″ when fully engaged.

I have measured it and compared to other people measurements. It should fit. As a second test I’ve fitted it to my original Tv and it still has short j shaped brackets and the stand is just a bit too short.

Link to images:

I eventually solved this by questioning each stand seller on ebay about stand lenghts.

Eventually I got hold of a stainless steel one that both fitted on the bike and held my scooter up correctly!